Honey Bee Mix: Western States

Honey Bee Mix: Western States

Designed For Western States

Seed Rate: 40.13 seeds/ft 2
Cost: $55.00/acre

This mixture is designed to maximize the benefits for honey bees. The species included in the mixture are documented to provide the most nutritious forage that honey bees want and will use.

Project Objective Considerations

  • Cost of the Seed Mixture – your project budget
  • Your ability to perform future management activities on the planting
  • Maximum benefits for honey bees
  • Maximum benefits for monarch butterflies
  • Wanting to benefit a wide range of pollinator species
  • Designed to perform on sandy soil
  • Designed to perform well on loamy soils
  • Ability to perform in a site that started with existing grass cover
  • Designed to restore native prairie values
  • Benefits to upland wildlife species like pheasants, quail, deer, etc.

Mixture: 16 wildflower and legume species
Anise Hyssop – Agastache foeniculum, Deptford Pink – Dianthus armeria, Birdsfoot Trefoil – Lotus corniculatus, Deer Vetch – Lotus unifoliolatus, Alfalfa – Medicago spp., Yellow & White Sweetclover – Melilotus officinalis, Prairie Sainfoin – Onobrychis viciifolia, Lacy Phacelia – Phacelia tanacetofolia, Canada Goldenrod – Solidago canadensis, Berseem Clover – Trifolium alexandrinum, Alsike Clover – Trifolium hybridum, Crimson Clover – Trifolium incarnetum, Ladino Clover – Trifolium repens, Arrowleaf Clover – Trifolium vesiculosum, Hoary Vervain – Verbena stricta